
Sometimes fate changes your path. The move-in party got changed to Saturday evening. With a big smile on my face I realized that I will then be able to make it :) I worked in the store from 9 -3 then went groceryshopping to bake some snoddas and make fingerfood with Nicole who was kind enough to help me out and show her cookingskills ^^ at about 7 I came to the party. It was not a big party just around 15 people or so and I only knew a few people so I was a bit quiet in the beginning. It got better though once I felt more comfortable and I had a awesome evening and got to know new amazing people as well. Happy I didn’t miss out. It was ment for me to meet these people.


Sunday I didn’t need to work in the shop so I slept out until like 11 and then went to the grocerystore and got some stuff and then to Buderim Lion Park for a barbeque with the people from yesterday and a few others. Here in Australia there are barbeque grills at the parks so you just have to bring stuff. It’s really nice! After the barbeque we went to the rainforest and climbed on the waterfall. Me and my balance... if it wasn’t for the help I got climbing up I would be dead now :P or maybe ^^


And surprise surprise. In 1h I’m of to Sunday evening church. They convinced me to join at least one time and see how it is. So I’m going. And you!, close your mouth, you don’t need to get that shocked, I can go to church, just watch me!  

Ps. I will tell you how it was.

♥ Rebecka

1 month

Felt like it needed an update again. Or mostly because I know people back home are wondering what I’m up to. But I don’t really know what to write. Or I might start by saying

I HAVE BEEN HERE A MONTH ALREADY :) :) unbelievable.. time goes fast when you are having fun.


I started getting sick last weekend after the mum took me out on a girls night out on that friday. My voice started disappearing but I still wanted to go to the pirates of the Caribbean party on saturday. Which I did and it was so much fun and I danced all night until 2 when it was time to go home.. and I laughed so much it looked like I was crying :-)


This is how I looked :D


I started working 8 the other day… and took some pain killers on the evening so I could go to Brisbane with my salsa gang so a latinclub. That was also fun but I felt like the people there where out of my league with all their fancy moves and everytime a guy asked me to dance I got nervous.. it will get better when I’m a better dancer ^^ just wait. Haha


On Monday I felt really bad and the mum gave me the day off. I was mostly in my bed watching movies. In the evening I felt alittle better so I offered to take the kids on the evening so the parents could go out for a dinner and a movie :)


Tuesday I worked and Wednesday I worked, and still feeling sick and going on painkillers.. Tuesday I went to salsa class but my feet was still hurting after all the dancing this weekend. Today is Thursday and the gang is going to another latinclub this evening but I’m invited to a friends birthday-dinner at this restaurant where they cook their steaks for at least 18hours. I’ve heard they do the best steaks. After tonight I will know!


Tomorrow I’m working as well and the parents have another datenight. Bummer it was tomorrow because I got invited to a friends move-in-party.. well well. Can’t do much about that. This weekend so far is just work. The mum has the weekend of from the store so she asked me if I wanted to work, so I will keep the store opened both Saturday and Sunday I think.


Now I’m going to watch a movie... see if I will feel better later.

♥ Rebecka 


*I'm loving it*

Det kanske finns en anledning att folk kallar Australien för lyckolandet...

I really like it here. I havn't been here long but im really settled in and feel that I can find my way around pretty good.
Today I did two manicures at the shop and my hand started to hurt.. I have to work on my muscles because on monday I think I have 5 bookings or so.. :O :D And yesterday I got a library card aswell..

At the fathers day festival I wrote my name on a piece of paper and entered I competiton. I wasn't suppose to enter it first because I thought that I never win anyway. And then I got a call yesterday telling me I won!!! Apparently I won a 3h proffesional photoshoot. With make-over and styling, photoshoot and slideshow and 2 pictures for free I think. But I have a hard time believing I acctually won. I never win. I won't believe it fully until Im there. But im really happy, thats going to be exciting!

I also got a text from a girl on my salsa class inviting me to a Pirates of the Carribean birthday -latindance party. Thats going to be great for me to make some friends and *get out there*

Well now Im going to go out there and be social. The parents has got friends over. They are trying to make me a aussie(aussies drink!) This ends up like this. Im trying a drink - not liking it - giving it to the mum XD  hahaha

well well. The headline says it all.

I'm loving it!

♥ Rebecka 

Greetings from Australia

So its sunday evening. This week I have been working alot in the store and been alot with the kids, saturday I had the 2 small boys until 3. I took them out with the stroller to the horses down the street and they were very happy and content and so was I :-) Later when the mum closed the store she came home and we went out for icecream, yummy cookie dough icecream ;)

Then we picked the older kids up at scouts after there daytrip away. The bus was 1h late and it was a long waiting.. and wasting of a saturday :P not that I had anything better to do :P

Today I went down to the market and looked around. Reegan, the girl was at the mums store and she asked if she could come so she did. The marked is just beside the store but Nicole had to work. So we looked around and went to the next door park and looked at the fathers day celebration. I saw a hip hop dance performance :D it was really good. Then I went to the gym and did some light shoulder exersises, I have hurt my shoulder :( and then I went home. Today it was raining. I think its the first time since im here.. It was really hard to see the signing when I was driving and trying to find my way home..But I made it.

Now the grandma and the grandpa is here. They are really nice! We are soon going to have a fathers day dinner and then cake for dessert that I made together with Reegan. :D

Tomorrow, monday Im off. No store and no driving or watching the kids. What should I do the entire day.. Hope for good weather so I might go to the beach.. and its badminton on the evening and the city next by. But I don't know if I should go, because of my shoulder....

gotta help out in the kitchen


♥ Rebecka

Because abortion is illegal?

I'm walking on the street, in the mall, at the beach, at the park. All these young women. now mums.. Makes me think of an article I read before I came here:

A 20 year old girl living in Queensland, Australia did a home abortion and are now risking 7 years of jail. Its unbelievable. No wonder their are so many young mums out there. Because that must be part of the reason right?
I just can't believe how it can still be like this in a Country like this. And in the rest of Australia its not illegal. Just in this state.


I also wanted to mention that the australian accent is really hard! People don't pronounce the vowls and it makes it sometimes impossible to hear what they are saying. And it also makes it impossible for me to pretend im from here. In the United States I could get people to believe I was american ^^

Ive been in Australia over a week now! As always time just runs away. I have been working alot in the mums store which is fun! She is going to teach me alot of new things and even let me to mini - manicyres on clients. She's my own little teacher. But good luck on my first day... computer crashed down.. and creditcard mashine lost communication with the bank.  Great start! But I don't give up. 

Yesterday I went to a salsa class which was nice even though I was the only beginner.. and in the end everyone had to go in to the middle of the circle couple by couple and dance. Holy smoke. Not me. I still don't know how to dance. But I got draged in and I did it. hahaha  
I also got the teachers to give me the same discount as the students have only because I was international :P So now im signed up for the semester. :-)

Okey im going to bed now. Need to drop the kids at school and daycare tomorrow because the dad needed to attend a course at short notice. So i have them in the morning, then im headed to work in the store until 3 when I then go to pick up the kids again and go home with them. Busy but good. Nothing worse then feeling bored and have nothing to do.


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