Sorry.. i know i was suppose to update but gosh ive been busy!
But for all of you who are curious, Church was great! Never in my entire life did I think I would enjoy going to church!
But now im going every sunday and have already been there 2 times, 3 counting this sunday coming up.
This is a youtube clip of a song we sang at church that I really liked.
It was presented as a powerpoint display behind the band playing the songs. yes you heard right. No big piano thingi but a band with drums, gitarrs and the whole kit. And we were sitting on.. not old wooden benches.. but plastic chairs that we spread out over the room, yes, because it was no typical churchhouse as the ones we go to on our school graduations back in sweden, it was a normal big building.
So it begins with a 30min mingel with tea and cookies. A really nice way to get to know the people of whom 98% was young people between 17-27. After the 30min mingle everyone sits down and it gets started. We stand up by our chair and sing about 6 songs, never counted them. After that its a mix of praying, talking and analysing different paragraphs of the bible, one new each time. This is lead by a person, not dressed in a priest suit. And its intresting because they analyse it in a 20 century way of thinking. After the second sunday everyone went down to the big pool outside the goodlife buildning(this is what the place is called) and he baptised 4 or 5 people I think. They walked in the pool and dipped their entire body. Made me think of my own when I was an infant. Then I wasnt even aware. Now they did it because they wanted and believed. It was nice.
After church is done about 8,30 on sunday evenings we go down to mooloolaba beach and sit outside the cafe and just talk. Its acctually a really nice way of spending your sunday evenings. surrounded by friends and love.
Okey so that was church. what more have i been up to... had a photoshoot which was OK not great. He decided which poses you were going to make so all the pictures were pretty .. but boring. And i wanted to do some cool salsa dance pictures. never mind! After that I went to the mall. bumbed in to two friends and ended up going out for dinner and pole playing. it was fun! Last weekend I was also up at sarahs place with kristin. we had dinner and watched movies. I really enjoyed it :-)
Yesterday i went to the mall for late night thursday shopping. Thats when the mall has opened extra long. Met some friends and spend some time with them until around 9 when me and nate went to check Montegos out. Its a latin danceplace nearby here that the manager invited us too at salsa class. So we thought we would check it out. Came 9,30 so could only be there an hour before they closed. But maybe that was good because we both forgot the steps. hahaha. seriously!! felt like an idiot.
today its friday. I had the kids in the morning then went straight to the shop. Nicole and Patrik are leaving to go to the gold coast this morning. When I close the store I am picking the kids up and then I have them until they come home again on sunday evening. Hopefully before church :-) Will see if I have a friend over saturday evening to keep me company when the kids are sleeping. But I managed to fix a playdate on sunday morning. Im going with the kids and kristin up to sarahs place to then go to the park. Sarah has a son whos 2,5 years old and would work perfect to play with my two babies. So Im looking forward to that.
Then I new week starts and I don't know yet what is to come. But I bet It will be great!
♥ Rebecka